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Updated November 17, 2020
Rick’s is currently open for socially distanced shopping. In order to protect our much beloved customers and staff, we ask that you please abide by the following while at Rick’s:
- Only visit Rick’s if all members of your party are currently healthy and not experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms
- Shoppers must wear a face mask while at Rick’s, both inside the shop and while shopping outside. (Children 8 years-old and under are not required to wear a face covering.) Please ensure that your mask covers your nose and mouth at all times.
- If you are medically unable to wear a mask, we ask that you please wear a face shield or take advantage of our curbside shopping. Please call us for more information 719.632.8491.
- Please maintain a 6-foot distance from anyone outside your party.
- Please use payment methods other than cash when possible in order to limit contact.
Rick’s will be complying with all current State mandates. Therefore, customers can expect the following:
- Increased sanitizing of all high-touch surfaces at Rick’s for your safety.
- Dedicated entry-only and exit-only doors to prevent cross-traffic among guests.
- Limited check-out availability in order to promote safe distancing.
- Staff will wear facial coverings at all times.
- Limited online shopping available at
We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during this unprecedented time. Your willingness to practice safety measures and the many, many kind words of encouragement you’ve given us mean more to us than you know!
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