719.632.8491 | CLOSED 12/23/2024 thru 1/4/2025 | More Hours Below

Is there a difference between your store and your nursery area?

Both the store and the nursery are all one business. You can shop both upstairs in the store and downstairs in the nursery and checkout at any cash register in either space. To get between the two areas, use either the ramp by the parking lot or use the staircase on the side of the store.

In the store, we sell houseplants, seeds, tools, décor, soils, mulches, fertilizers, control products, fountains, and other gardening essentials. We also sell annuals, vegetable starts, and herbs in the spring and summer. The store is open year-round.

From the nursery area, we sell perennials, trees, and shrubs. We close the nursery in the fall and winter.