Ferti-lome Weed-Out w/ Crabgrass Killer RTS 32Oz

SKU: 16197 Category:


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Gets Rid of the Tough Weeds – Roots and All! Controls Over 200 Weeds. New Formulation. Proven Performance.
Controls both grassy and broadleaf weeds in one easy step including Crabgrass, Barnyardgrass, Foxtail, Black-Eyed Susan, Buttercup, Catnip, Chickweed, Dandelion, Dollarweed, Ground Ivy, Jimsonweed. Morning Glory, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Ragweed, Sunflower, Thistle, and other broadleaf weeds.
One Pint Covers Up To 2,500 Square Feet.
Rainproof In 1 Hour. Contains 2, 4-D, Quinclorac and Dicamba.

Active Ingredients:

2,4-D, dimethylamine salt                             6.42%

Quinclorac                                                       2.13%

Dicamba, dimethylamine salt                          0.60%

Other Ingredients:                                            90.85%