Bulk Low Grow Mix Grass Seed AVS 1lb

SKU: 18177 Category:


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A mixture of perennial, cool season, drought tolerant, grass seeds suitable for areas where mowing is difficult or not desirable. his mix is a great soil stabilizer and it is very compatible with our wildflower mixes. Perfect for Intermountain region and the Desert Southwest. Will grow an average of 8-12 inches with normal rainfall – can grow up to 10,000 ft in altitude.

Seeding Rates
Bare Ground:
Broadcast-20-25 pounds per acre
Drilled-15-20 pounds per acre
Established/Thin Lawns:
Broadcast-10-15 pounds per acre
Drilled-5-10 pounds per acre
For best results, wait to seed until last chance of frost has passed.

**Please note, this item is sold by the pound – please ensure the quantity in your cart matches the number of pounds you wish to purchase (i.e., Quantity 1 = 1 pound, Quantity 5 = 5 pounds)

30% Ephraim Crested Wheatgrass
25% Sheep Fescue
20% Perennial Rye
15% Chewings Fescue
10% Canada Bluegrass