719.632.8491 |Open M-F 9-6/Sat 9-5/Sun 10-5

Rick’s Deep Freeze Guide

In preparation for our first deep freeze coming this Sunday, Rick’s Garden Center would like to remind our fabulous customers to take some steps beforehand to help your plant friends and tools out.

  • Water in outdoor trees, shrubs and perennials and cover root balls with mulch.  Do not mulch up to the trunk.  Moist soil conducts earth heat better than dry soil.  The mulch will help keep in the heat and protect the sensitive root ball.
  • Rose bushes, mulch up to the graft union at the base of the rose trunk.  You can use a rose collar or just pile up mulch up to and above the graft union.  The graft union will look like a bulging area on the main trunk just above the soil line.
  • Bring in any tropical plants, cacti or succulents that are not at least a zone 5 inside.
  • Check and move any plants that are blown on by heat vents.  This will dry out the foliage in no time!
  • Outdoor trees, shrubs and perennials planted in pots should be insulated with burlap bags or mulch and placed against a south or west wall of your home.  Avoid watering these before the freeze.
  • Water in newly established lawns and grass.
  • Go ahead and plant those mums you bought in the ground..  They may come back next year!
  • Disconnect and drain all hoses and drips lines from spigots
  • Cover newly planted bulbs with leaf, needle or straw mulch.
  • Blow out that sprinkler system!
  • After the freeze, you do not have to pull up all of the dead material, so that pollinators and other insects have a place to overwinter.